3 Steps to Less Drama
Have you ever noticed that drama seems to follow some people? Did you ever stop to consider why that is? Perhaps it's you and you're wondering why you find friends, only to be left a year or two later wondering what happened... In this post, I'll discuss 3 ways to help with these things!

Core Value #2: Teamwork
The second core value at Unite Homeschool Network is Teamwork. This is why we have launched the Unite Parents’ Association, because we all know the old adage, “Many hands makes light work!”

Core Values
Unite Homeschool is a special place. We are a growing community of families that have all chosen to intentionally educate our children. Many have various reasons for making this choice, but we all make sacrifices in order to do what we feel is best for our kids.
One of the HUGE benefits of a community like this is the ease in SHARING whenever we find something amazing.

Homeschooling and Socialization
Homeschooling and socialization - it’s a double edged sword. We either have TOO much, or NOT enough!
Unite has the best of both options - an a la carte network where parents are at the wheel!

Leader Highlight: Jess Reiche
If you look at where you are right now and what needs to be done in the immediate future, homeschooling is a lot easier than you think. Don’t put yourself in a box, be willing to change and grow as needed.

Leader Highlight: Sandy Hall
If you could speak to your younger self, what advice would you give her?
My children are all grown now, and as I look back, it's not the number of pages in the math books we got done that are the highlights. It's the time together, shared experiences, trips and activities that are remembered and treasured. So, I would tell myself to enjoy the moments more, slow down and listen and play with the kids.

Meet Kim Davis
Moms, get your kids out there. Let them be around kids they don’t like so they can learn to be kind to people they are not crazy about. Let them find sweet kindred spirits that encourage them. Let them be pushed by older kids, let them be encouraging to younger kids. Siblings play such a big role in knocking off rough edges and teaching skills like speaking up for yourself and loyalty and fair play and that actions have consequences. Those of us with only children need to borrow kids for this!

Leader Highlight: Jennifer
I don’t want to give the impression that homeschooling is always easy-peasy. However, as a parent, you are committed to your child’s success and know them well. That alone gives you the upper hand.
A home environment can relieve classroom stress that comes from the struggle to sit still or keep up and understand the teacher’s instructions.
Parents can give 1:1 instruction. They’ll know immediately if their child understands a lesson or needs further instruction.
At home, parents can evaluate progress often at home and advance at the child’s pace.
Parents need a plan for how they’ll teach, but they don’t need a formal IEP.

Leader Highlight: Michelle
Michelle Newbold, Mentor for Unite Homeschool Network, Inc. & College Planning Advisor, Augustine Classical Academy West
How did you begin homeschooling? What was your motivation?
I started homeschooling 22 years ago when my oldest daughter was in preschool. I was having a hard time figuring out why we were paying for her to learn stuff she already knew and to be bullied by a boy in her class. We pulled her home as an "experiment" and started homeschooling at the kitchen table. Over time we added books and kids and eventually have now graduated

Unite Leadership Interview: Kirstin
Kirstin Davis is the Events Coordinator for Unite Homeschool Support Network. She loves to create memorable moments for families and loves homeschooling. Read all about Kirstin’s homeschooling journey and passions in this interview from April 2023.

How to have Enough Time!
Join other homeschool parents and author, speaker and homeschool mentor Jennifer Henn for this annual planning seminar “How to have Enough Time!”

Family Basket Changed our Homeschool
Morning time is a long loved tradition in some families, but was a new discover for me. Read here about how adding this one simple time made a giant difference in the lives of my kids and me!

Jennifer Henn on How to Finish Strong
Jennifer Henn was a guest speaker on “The Heart of The Matter” podcast and shares a lot of great tips for the tired homeschool mom on how to finish the school year strong.