Meet Kim Davis

Kim Davis, Board Member & Leader, Unite Homeschool Network

Kim Davis joined the board as a founding member when we incorporated in 2022. Kim is a fabulous team player and has a heart to help homeschooling families of all kinds!

How did you begin homeschooling?

When our oldest son was around three years old, we started noticing that during Sunday School, while other kids sat sweetly for their craft about Daniel in the lion’s den, our dear Ben would be looking out the window or climbing a bookshelf or pretending to tackle the lions. My husband and I knew that he would not be a typical learner and when the time came for him to start kindergarten, most teachers would want to medicate him and get him through their class without injury. We also knew he was clever and loved to learn. So, we started to consider homeschooling. We were fortunate enough to go to a church, and then a co-op, with many homeschooling moms that were willing to share their experience. As we had more kids those moms helped with all of the various obstacles we faced.

As someone that has older kids but also has a younger one, what have you changed in your parenting or homeschool style?

Wow, my school has changed so much, but that is mostly because of my student! My older three were very adventurous and were outside all day, every day taking as many risks as we would allow. With at least one (sometimes more), actually getting them to do disciplined work took many years, and it seemed like we were at the emergency room fairly regularly. Abby is a sweet little student and worries about things like what grade she is in and if all of the boxes have check marks. I am also, as a teacher, less concerned about things like what grade she is in and if all the boxes have check marks. So perhaps her concern is God’s Grace in my life. Now I sort of have to care about it for her.


What advice would you give someone that is homeschooling an only child or only has one student at home?

Moms, get your kids out there. Let them be around kids they don’t like so they can learn to be kind to people they are not crazy about. Let them find sweet kindred spirits that encourage them. Let them be pushed by older kids, let them be encouraging to younger kids. Siblings play such a big role in knocking off rough edges and teaching skills like speaking up for yourself and loyalty and fair play and that actions have consequences. Those of us with only children need to borrow kids for this!


What is your favorite part of homeschooling?

Read alouds. No question. I absolutely love slouching on the couch and reading together.

As a leader and active member of Unite Homeschool, what do you see as the benefits of the network?

This network is what was missing from homeschool for my older kids. We need community, and not just our kids. We as moms need each other. The world can be a nasty place, and it has been so nice to have a soft place to learn. The field trips, camping, book clubs, parties and special classes have been more than an educational benefit. My daughter has learned along with her friends and grown closer to her community. She sees that everyone has different gifts and strengths and that we can all use those strengths to help each other!


Do you have any final thoughts to share?

Even a hot mess can homeschool! I absolutely believe that we have been given all we need to educate our children, but having an organization like Unite sure makes it easier. If you are a type A person, embrace it and know that it is a gift and that Unite can help you to smell the roses a little. If you are a hot mess like me, Unite can help with the discipline side of school.


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