Homeschooling and Socialization

Answering the question, “But what about socialization?”

Homeschooling is a wonderful choice for our families, but it can also be extremely challenging and lonely at times. That's why we need to find and nurture a community of other homeschool moms who share our values, goals, and struggles.

A homeschool network like Unite can provide us with many benefits, such as:

  • Academic advice, support, and introduction to families who are a little different than our own. We can learn from each other's experiences, resources, and expertise, and offer our own to others. We can also expose our children to different subjects, perspectives, and learning styles that we may not be able to provide on our own.

  • Socialization opportunities for ourselves and our children. We can make friends with other moms who understand our joys and challenges, and offer each other emotional support and encouragement. We can also arrange playdates, field trips, and enrichment classes for our children, so they can interact with peers of different ages and backgrounds, and develop social skills and friendships.

  • Benefits of a larger organization. By joining a larger network, we can also participate in traditional school benefits, such as holiday parties, discounted field trips, proms, and graduation ceremonies, if we desire.

  • Extra-curricular activities for our children. We can enroll our children in various activities, such as sports, arts, music, or clubs, that they are interested in or passionate about. We can also explore new hobbies and skills that we may not have access to otherwise.

As homeschool parents, we know that our families do best in community. We don't have to do this alone. We can find or create a community that helps us and our children grow, learn, and thrive. If you’ve been on the sidelines of Unite, consider what you would like to begin participating in for 2024! If you aren’t sure reach out - our leadership team would love to learn more about your interests and can help guide you toward something that your family will LOVE!


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