7 Reasons Unite Homeschool is Special?
Someone recently asked me, "What makes this new online community any different than what exists on Facebook?”
Here are the 7 reasons this community is SO MUCH BETTER!
Big Tech is not watching or censoring our interaction. The Home activity feed shows you everything that you have chosen to follow. (Be sure to select “Follow” on the things that interest you!) Any posts within your groups, or posts that your friends have posted will ALWAYS be available to see. Plus, you can decide how it sorts! No demoting, censoring or cancelling!
A Large Network with Local Groups - All HOMESCHOOL FOCUSED! The structure of our new network allows for a larger pool of support while still allowing smaller local groups to keep things more private and pertinent to their area. (Events and co-op business can be handled in the small group; while members can ask more general homeschool questions or get recommendations from a larger support base.) No more posting the same question to 5 different HS groups!
Friends! When members include their general location or their family ‘Stage’ in their profile, this info can be used by members to make connections. Our "Members Near You" feature creates an opportunity to connect with others easily. Equally, the “Stages” feature allows you to find members with kids in similar stages of school.
No Trolls allowed. Our community is a network of actual people who want to make REAL friends. Members join because they are looking for something more. We do not allow any sort of bullying, or ridicule simply because opinions differ. Open, healthy and kind debate of homeschooling related topics will be allowed, but it will stay respectful.
Special Interest clubs. Within our community there are many smaller groups. Members can be a part of an unlimited number of groups. Some of these are "Premium" paid clubs with special events planned just for them, while most of the groups are local activity groups to connect with families near you. Examples of these are the: ‘Forsyth County Activities group’, the ‘Outdoor, Hiking club’ or our ‘Cherokee County Weekly PE’!
Topic Index & Search. Each post whether on the main community network or within groups has the ability to have a topic tag. When these tags are used, it creates an easy-to-use index feature. Any post or article can be easily retrieved by topic (this is an area on the main menu in our network). To browse past articles just follow the “Topics” link in the left side menu found on the main network and in groups.
Events & Field Trips! There are no social media shaming, suppression of in-person events as has happened on social media. We are left to make choices for ourselves based on our families’ needs, budgets and interests. Hosting in-person events on our network is celebrated, encouraged and fulfilling - because people can actually find them! Join your local activity group and put FUN on the schedule!